Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Allow me to introduce myself....

Let’s start off with the basics. My name is Jenn and I’m your typical 20-something girl…well…maybe not that typical. I’m a Boston girl born and raised now living in Connecticut for the past 7 years. And yes, I still rock a wicked pissah Boston accent - however; do not paahhk my cahh in Havahhd Yaahhd.

I'm a first time Mom to my little man Josh. He's my world! I'm trying to get back into blogging and all of my other social media (twitter, etc)...I miss writing. I work for a company that makes window coverings during the week and also am on the radio every weekend! You can hear me on Kicks 105.5fm as Rachel Foxx every Saturday and Sunday from 3-7pm.

I’m married to a great guy that I met in college and we just had our first baby in January of 2011. I have a feeling our son is gonna be just like me and oooohhh boy am I in for a wild ride if that's the case! I’m loud, outgoing, kinda crazy, a little bit of a (see: a huge) smartass and been known to ‘cuss like a sailor’ (see: fuck is not a word it’s a comma).

Anything else about me will definitely be exposed through my blog…I write the way I speak and I speak my mind. If you offend easily, steer clear, but if you’re up for some time wasting humor and making a a joke or two about topical tidbits…get comfy and have fun!